Programming The RC210

I programmed a Command Macro but it doesn't seem to work as I expected.
Visits: 223
Published: June 18 2022
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I programmed a Command Macro but it doesn't seem to work as I expected.

When planning on how to program Command Macros, it is helpful to remember the following about how Macro Functions are actually processed in the RC210

1) Macro Functions that do not call other Macros run in the order in which they appear within that Macro. For example:

001 121 145 run in this order

2) Macro Functions that call other Macros run in numerical order. For example:

703 701 705 702 will run in the order of 701, 702, 703, 705

3) Macro Functions that call other Macros will always run after Functions that do not call other Macros. For example:

001 121 145 705 701 will run in this order 001 121 165 701 705

4) Macro Functions that call other Macros may be placed anywhere within a Macro but will be run last regardless. Example:

001 705 121 701 145 will run in the order of 001 121 145 701 705

Monitor Mix and Monitor Mute settings
Visits: 151
Published: June 18 2022
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Monitor Mix and Monitor Mute settings

These settings control how audio from linked (or monitored) Ports are routed. For example, let's say Ports 1 and 2 are linked together.
With Monitor Mix set on Port 1, audio from Port 2 is mixed with any audio on Port 1. That is to say that if someone is talking on Port 1 and Port 2's receiver becomes active, both receivers will be heard out Port 1.
If Monitor Mute is set on Port 1, Port 1's receiver has priority and any audio from Port 2 will not be heard while Port 1's receiver is active. If Port 1's receiver is not active, audio from Port 2 will be heard.
Courtesy Tone Behavior When Ports are Linked
Visits: 194
Published: June 18 2022
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Courtesy Tone Behavior When Ports are Linked

When one or more ports are linked together, additional courtesy tones are sent to allow easy identification of the signal heard. For example, if you have Ports 1 and 2 linked and you're currently talking on Port 1, you'll hear an additional courtesy tone whenever someone unkeys on Port 2.
Courtesy Tone #10 is played if the signal comes from the "following" port and Courtesy Tone #9 is played if the signal comes from the "next" port. The relationship between ports is described below:
Next Port
  • If your currently used Port is 1, the Next Port is 2
  • If your currently used Port is 2, the Next Port is 3
  • If your currently used Port is 3, the Next Port is 1
Following Port
  • If your currently used Port is 1, the Following Port is 3
  • If your currently used Port is 2, the Following Port is 1
  • If your currently used Port is 3, the Following Port is 2
For example, Port 1 is linked to Port 2 and a signal arrives on Port 2's receiver. From our list above, we see that Port 2 is Port 1's "next" Port, so Port 1's Courtesy Tone #9 will be sent whenever the signal on Port 2's receive disappears.
Accordingly, we can program Port 1's Courtesy Tone #9 the way we want it to sound.
How does CTCSS Encode Control work?
Visits: 222
Published: June 19 2022
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How does CTCSS Encode Control work?

Pin 1 of each port connector is used to provide a mute/unmute signal. The line must be connected to the appropriate point on an external CTCSS unit. The polarity of the signal sent to the tone unit must be selected as active high or low as required by the CTCSS unit otherwise the CTCSS operation will be reversed ie off when supposed to be on or vice versa.

Control overview – note it is assumed that a receiver with CTCSS decode enabled is being used when listening to controller output


The system can be configured to automatically enable CTCSS encode when IDs are transmitted be they CW or voice. If automatic generation is selected but is not required in a particular situation the facility may be overridden – macro functions 552 and 553. If automatic encode during voice/CW ID is not selected these same functions can be used within a macro to turn encode on and off.

Normal Operation

In normal operation, CTCSS will not be enabled by a system run macro (Scheduler / GT etc) but if the same macro is called via DTMF then encode will be enabled so that any message it contains will be heard. For example, if the macro contains a message but no function to enable encode, the message will not be heard when the macro is called by the system but will be heard if called by DTMF. Note that port steering rules apply.

Some examples:- (automatic encode during IDs disabled)

162 085 203 552 184 553 185

Speech Out Port 1|CTCSS Encode On|Play Message Macro 17|CTCSS During ID ON|Play Port 1 CW ID|CTCSS During ID OFF|Play Port 2 CW ID

Result when called by system or DTMF--- Message 17 is heard as is port 1 CW ID but port 2 CW ID is not heard.

162 203 181 184 185 156

Speech Out Port 1|Play Message Macro 17|Play Port 1 Voice ID|Play Port 1 CW ID|Play Port 2 CW ID

Result when called by system --- Nothing is heard         when called by DTMF message is heard.

162 085 227 116 117 203 184 185

Speech Out port 1|CTCSS Encode On|Good Mor/After/Eve|Say Time|Say Date|Play Message macro 17|Play Port 1 CW ID|Play Port 2 CW ID.

Result when called by system or DTMF --- Good Mor/Afer/Eve, Date, Time and message macro heard – IDs not heard.

What is the the difference between Port Monitoring and Linking?
Visits: 151
Published: June 18 2022
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What is the the difference between Port Monitoring and Linking?

Monitoring A Port from Other Ports

Any port may be selectively monitored by any other port. In the RC210, with multiple monitor commands you can create any combination of monitoring from port to port. This provides considerable flexibility in audio routing. Each of these monitoring commands is a one-way connection. In other words, if you select to monitor Port 2 from Port 1, activity on Port 1 will not be retransmitted on Port 2.

To create a two-way path between ports, you have two choices. You can either establish 2, one-way connections between ports or you could use the Linking Commands (this is explained below).

Assume you're on Port 1 and want to monitor activity on Port 2. Enter the command 1301 and a one-way connection is established, allowing the monitoring of Port 2 by Port 1. Now, activity on Port 2 is retransmitted out Port 1, but Port 1 is not retransmitted out Port 2. Of course you may also program Command Macros to establish the connections for you.

Linking Ports Quickly

You may also establish two-way connections (linking) between ports quickly and easily by using only one command. Likewise, you can also disconnect (unlink) ports using these commands. Of course you may also program Command Macros to establish the links for you.

Note: Even if you established port monitoring using the Monitor Commands above, you may use the Linking Commands to turn them off or modify them. In other words, the Linking Commands take precedence over Monitoring commands.

Why don't I hear the Startup Message when my RC210 starts?
Visits: 189
Published: June 22 2022
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Why don't I hear the Startup Message when my RC210 starts?

The Startup Message is sent out Port 1 and only if Port 1 is in Repeat Mode. This is to prevent interference should you have a remote base/link radio on Port 1.

Can I unlock any Port and program any other Port?
Visits: 131
Published: June 22 2022
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Can I unlock any Port and program any other Port?


No matter which Port you're physically connected to, you are able to program any other Port by simply using the Unlock Code for the Port you wish to program

I created a Macro to announce the time but it doesn't seem to work with the Scheduler.
Visits: 217
Published: June 22 2022
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I created a Macro to announce the time but it doesn't seem to work with the Scheduler.

You didn't include the necessary Port Steering Function in your Macro, so the controller doesn't know which Port (or Ports) to send that speech to)

See the Operations and Programming Manual "Speech Control Within Macros" for details