RC210 Firmware Updates For The M2561 CPU Version


Version 8.061 - 11/3/24

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.06

Some users reported changing audio levels and ID's stopping. Traced to memory leak and corrected.

Manual Data Send (MDS) speech is now controlled by "Allow Speech /w Terminator setting", just as DTMF entered commands are.

Fixed bug where Alarm didn't properly pass Auxiliary Audio to designated Port(s) if called from a Macro.

Fixed bug where a linked-to Port didn't always drop PTT upon starting Initial ID on linked-from Port

Users with PC Board Version 3.5 and later can take advantage of an additional uniquely programmed Fan Output.


New DTMF Fan Programming Commands:

*1004xy where x = 1 or 2 (for Fan #) and y = 1 to 255 minutes
*2119xy where x = 1 or 2 (for Fan #) and y = 1 for All XMT Activity or 0 for only RX activity.


 Download the Firmware Version 8.061 Update here

Version 8.0543 - 1/7/24

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.0543

Fixed undocumented feature that was accidentally broken in previous firmware version - a timeout condition did not properly mute repeat audio while the RC210 was speaking the timeout message during a user's transmission that caused that timeout. (this would affect the level of the Timeout Message).

New feature COS Encode Override. If Encode for IDs/Speech is OFF, this setting allows a user who keys during an ID/Speech to force Encode ON for the duration of that ID/Speech.

New Commands:
*21390  Turn COS Encode Override OFF
*21391  Turn COS Encode Override ON

New Macro Functions:
703  Port 1 COS Encode Override ON
704  Port 2 COS Encode Override ON
705  Port 3 COS Encode Override ON

706  Port 1 COS Encode Override OFF
707  Port 2 COS Encode Override OFF
708  Port 3 COS Encode Override OFF

Download the Firmware Version 8.0543 Update here


Version 8.0542 - 10/7/23

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.0542

Fixed undocumented feature that was accidentally broken in previous firmware version - a timeout condition did not properly mute repeat audio while the RC210 was speaking the timeout message during a user's transmission that caused that timeout. (this would affect the level of the Timeout Message).
New feature COS Encode Override. If Encode for IDs/Speech is OFF, this setting allows a user who keys during an ID/Speech to force Encode ON for the duration of that ID/Speech.

New Commands:

Fixed undocumented feature that was accidentally broken in previous firmware version - a timeout condition did not properly mute repeat audio while the RC210 was speaking the timeout message during a user's transmission that caused that timeout. (this would affect the level of the Timeout Message).

New feature COS Encode Override. If Encode for IDs/Speech is OFF, this setting allows a user who keys during an ID/Speech to force Encode ON for the duration of that ID/Speech.

New Commands:

*21390  Turn COS Encode Override OFF
*21391  Turn COS Encode Override ON

New Macro Functions:

703  Port 1 COS Encode Override ON
704  Port 2 COS Encode Override ON
705  Port 3 COS Encode Override ON

706  Port 1 COS Encode Override OFF
707  Port 2 COS Encode Override OFF
708  Port 3 COS Encode Override OFF


Download the Firmware Version 8.0542 Update here


Version 8.054 - 6/2/23

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.054

Added capability of running a Macro whenever a Remote Base Feature is used. This will allow for greater flexibility when using the RC210's serial port for both RCP and Remote Base Radio control

*2138x where x is Macro 1-90 (or 1- 105 if equipped with external EEPROM) to run before command is sent to radio

Some users have reported issues with audio dropouts between Ports and Courtesy Tones "disappearing" or audio levels mysteriously dropping. This release fixes both.

Download the Firmware Version 8.054 Update here

Version 8.0531 - 4/2/23

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.05

Minor fix to the Pending ID calls as a Macro Function. Functions 692 - 694 now properly call their respective Pending IDs.

Download the Firmware Version 8.0531 Update here


Version 8.053 - 1/27/23

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.03Beta or later

Fixed an accidentally introduced anomoly where Port audio might drop out during a transmission (due to insufficient debounce on COR line)

Download the Firmware Version 8.053 Update here

Click here if you need to convert your older dat files to 8.053


Version 8.03 Beta- 10/15/22

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.00 or later

NOTE: While this firmware is being released as a beta for now, it has been extensively tested and no serious errors have been found. You may use it with complete confidence

Addressed issue with some ISD Speech ICs occasionally speaking a Vocabulary word +1 (i.e., speaking "B" instead of "A")

Some users reported that the DVR would "skip" or "chatter" during playback. While this was very rare, this version fixes a timing issue that caused it for some.

Download the Firmware Version 8.03 Beta Update here 


Version 8.00- 4/23/22

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 8.00

Added capability for an 8th Logic Output (UF8) BUT THIS ONLY WORKS ON PC BOARD VERSION 3.4 AND LATER

Reordered some Macros to accommodate the added contiguous UF8 output.

87-89 - Port 1, 2, 3 Zero Hang Time
90-91 - Reserved for Future use

UF outputs moved to:
92 to 99- UF1-8 ON
100 to107 - UF1-8 OFF
108 to 115 - UF1-8 Toggle (OFF/ON/OFF)

ADC Channels Moved:
331-338 - Read ADC Channel 1-8 Current Value

Various items moved:
698 - Autodial 911
699 - Allow Autopatch from programmed Port(s)
700 - Disable Autopatch

Addressed reports of audio from other Ports being heard when it shouldn't be

Hangtime Timer setting of 0 now allowed

Fixed bug where Message Macros mispoke the word "ZERO".

Fixed bug where if Speech During ID/Speech was unselected, a keyup during an ID would cause encoded tone to be sent for the remainder of that ID

Fixed clicks on CW/Courtesy Tones when low frequencies are used (was accidentally introduced in 7.65 when some Timer routines were optimized)

Added code to make sure audio paths from unlinked Ports don't "bleed through" to other Ports

Fixed small bug in Autopatch code that didn't always properly store Toll Restrictions

Fixed problem with PTT dropping during Speech-containing Macros if on a Port with no Hang Time

Added Kerchunk Timing to CTCSS debounce routine. Previously, Kerchunk Timing was only applied to COS.

Download the Firmware Version 8.00 Update here 


Version 7.6511- 10/16/21

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.651

Interim release to address identified memory leak issues
(Run the rc2107_6511_FW_update.exe file (inside the downloaded .zip file) to extract everything. Then look in C:\Arcom\RC210FirmwareUpgrades\7_6511 for the files you need)

Download the Version 7.6511 Update here 

Version 7.651- 7/31/20

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.651

Fixed bug with Macro Functions 304 and 305 where 304 caused Encode Control Line to stick on Active Low.
New programming commands and Macro Function to interrogate Port linking status (this is one of those things that have been asked for a long time)

New Supervisory Commands:

1401 - Interrogate Port 1
1402 - Interrogate Port 2
1403 - Interrogate Port 3

New Macro Functions:

695 - Interrogate Port 1
696 - Interrogate Port 2
697 - Interrogate Port 3
Download the Version 7.651 Update here


Version 7.641- 9/12/19

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.64

Reworked Daylight Savings (DST) routines to allow the controller to automatically determine if current date falls within the DST time as per programmed parameters. There is no longer any need to set or unset the DST Flag. As such, this command has been removed.

Implemented automatic detection of ISD Type upon controller start up. As such, the command to select it has been removed however the Interrogate command (*70072) has been retained

Other corrected issues:

If using RSSI in conjunction with RCV Macros, A/D readback would not work if called from DTMF running of Macro. It now works correctly

If using DTMF to program a Programming Command that starts with *, it was possible if that if the * wasn't decoded properly, the wrong Programmed parameter might be incorrectly programmed. This is now corrected

It was sometimes possible for a Linked To Port to be timed out by another Port, even if programmed not to allow that. This is now fixed

Download Version 7.641 Update here


Version 7.636- 5/1/19

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.63

Added capability to allow the controller to automatically determine and select the proper ISD Type. You no longer need to rely on RCP for that. This eliminates the possibility of corrupting the ISD Speech IC programming.

For those who want to make sure the correct selection was made, there is an Interrogate command:


Controller will ID either Type 4 or 5 depending which ISD IC is installed.

Also corrected a long delay that was introduced when using a Kenwood TM-271/281/v7/g707 remote baseand programming it.

Download the Version 7.636 Update here


Version 7.635- 3/22/19

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.63

Fixed bug where DST change didn't always work, depending on Scheduler Setpoint programming. Now it works properly regardless

Fixed bug where Aux Audio 2 didn't properly initialize

Download the Version 7.635 Update here


Version 7.63- 2/22/19

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.63

Fixed bug when programming Scheduler via DTMF - controller would speak wrong Setpoint number although it programmed properly.

Updated Clock Correction Factor programming so when RTC is installed, RCP user is informed if RTC is installed and therefore not able to program Correction Factor

If RTC is selected in RCP, the  Scheduler/Clock > Clock Correction section is greyed out.


Download the Version 7.63 Update here


Version 7.612- 11/2/18

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.611

Fixed bug where End of DST period didn't always work. Now it does


Download the Version 7.612 Update here


Version 7.611- 10/12/18

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.611

Added capability to allow Initial ID to run but can turn off Pending ID (useful for links). Program PID to 0 for desired Port

Added generic CW response to entered PROGRAMMING commands. R for command OK and ? for error

New command:
*2135x where x = 1 for Voice response and 0 for generic CW response

Fixed issue where Extended EEPROM was not 'activated' untill after Macro 1 was run. This prevented using Macros 91 - 105 as part of the
Startup Macro sequence.

Download the Version 7.611 Update here


Version 7.61- 5/5/18

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.61

Addressed minor bug with Tail Message Programming when using RCP

Download the Version 7.61 Update here

Version 7.60- 4/18/18

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.60

 Fixed various issues with 7.39

The correct FirstTimeInitialize.bin is now included as part of firmware updates

Changed the baud rate of serial communications from 9600 baud to 57600 baud. This drastically decreases the upload and download times using RCP.

If you have Version 3.5 (or later) pc board, there are now 15 additional Command Macros immediately available for a total of 105. The breakdown of all Macros is as follows:

Macro 1 - 40 - "Long Macros" that can hold 15 Functions each
Macro 41 - 90 - "Short Macros" that can hold 6 Functions each
Macro 91 - 105 - "Extended Macros" that can hold 20 Functions each

The Firmware (and RCP) will automatically detect if you have the additional EEPROM installed. If you don't have the additional EEPROM installed, you will not have access to the additional Macros

If you have a pc board earlier than Version 3.5, you can add the additional EEPROM needed by visiting the Arcom Website Store, where an option board is available. Here is the link


Macro programming has changed. The new format is:

*4002 * * * * etc........

*2050 xxx yyyyyyyy where xxx is the 3 digit Macro number (001-105) and yyyyyyyy is the DTMF code up to 8 digits

Macro Functions no longer are entered as 3 digit numbers. For example, you can now enter 1 for Macro Function 1, 23 for Macro Function 23 and so on

Added capability to define a Courtesy Tone to report signal strength if RSSI hardware connection to Analog Meter Channel 6,7 or 8 (P1, P2 or P3) is made

*2130x yyy..... where x = 1 or 2 for Low and High level trippoints and yyy... is the level you wish to program on the currently unlocked Port.

Low = CW "W"
Mid = CW "M"
High = CW "H"

Program appropriate A/D Channel for "Percent" and a scale of 0 to 100 (with your actual RSSI voltage values).

Reworked the DST Routines to make them easier to use without requiring any Scheduler Setpoints (Macro Functions 690 & 691 have been superceded by this new method and no longer exist)

New Commands:

*2131x yy z where x = 1 is to program the START month and 0 is to program the END month yy is the month (01-12) and must be 2 digits and z is the occurrence of Sunday in that month (1 – 5).

DST may be disabled by programming the START month to 0, i.e. *213110

*2132x where x = 1 for DST Hour to start/end at 1 AM or 2 for 2 AM.

*2133x where x = 1 to set DST Flag, 2 to unset DST Flag and 2 to interrogate the current state of the DSTFlag

Fixed bug in DVR recording where time stopped at 100 seconds if doing continuous recording. Please note that this fix will require re-recording of your DVR Tracks

By default, you will find the actual firmware file (rc2107_42.bin) in C:\Arcom\FirmwareUpdates

You can also find an updated copy of the RC210 Operations & Programming Manual there as well

Reworked the TX Timer and Counter routines. You may need to reset both after installation if you display bogus data.

Fixed bug where TX would sometimes drop between messages if called from Macro

Added capability to readback amount of time on per Port basis

New commands:

*2125x - Selects whether to store and readback amount of time currently unlocked Port's transmitter has been active where x = 0 for minutes and x = 1 for hours

*212699 - Readback currently unlocked Port amount of time transmitter has been active since last reset
*212799 - Reset currently unlocked Port Transmitter Activity Timer to 0

Added capability to readback number of keyups on per Port basis

New commands:

*212899 - Readback currently unlocked Port Keyup Counter
*212999 - Reset currently unlocked Port Keyup Counter to 0

You should reset the Timer and Counter to zero when you first load this new firmware

New Macro Functions

554 Port 1 Amount of time transmitter has been active since last reset
555 Port 2 Amount of time transmitter has been active since last reset
556 Port 3 Amount of time transmitter has been active since last reset

557 - Reset Port 1 Transmitter Activity Timer to 0
558 - Reset Port 1 Transmitter Activity Timer to 0
559 - Reset Port 1 Transmitter Activity Timer to 0

560 - Give RSSI Report

562 - Readback Number of Keyups Port 1
563 - Readback Number of Keyups Port 2
564 - Readback Number of Keyups Port 3

565 = Reset Keyup Counter Port 1
566 = Reset Keyup Counter Port 2
567 = Reset Keyup Counter Port 3


Download the Version 7.60 Update here

Version 7.361- 6/2/17

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.361

Macro SUSPEND/RESUME Functions have been reassigned to accomodate addtional Scheduler Setpoints
You may need to edit your configuration accordingly

810 - 849 Suspend Setpoints 1 - 40
850 - 899 Resume Setpoints 1 - 40


Download the Version 7.361 Update here

Version 7.36- 3/26/17

 Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.36

Identified bug in DVR recording and playbug routines related to use of new ISD IC. This caused "stuttering" and bits and pieces of
other tracks to be heard when recording and playing back DVT Tracks.

New Command:

*7007x where x=0 for ISD IC with -04 suffix or x=1 for IC with 05 suffix

Extended DVR Time available if you have the updated ISD4003-05 speech IC. There are now a total of 126 seconds available.
If you still have the older ISD4003-04 speech IC, available time is still 64 seconds

Increased Scheduler Setpoints from 20 to 40.

There are now 3 unique Initial Voice IDs that rotate (1-2-3-1-2-3, etc) only amongst themselves and 3 unique Pending IDs that also rotate only amongst themselves (1-2-3-1-2-3, etc)

New way to program ID's:

*8004x  yyy yyy yyy where x is 1 for Initial and 2 for Pending ID #1 . yyy 3 digit Vocabulary Words up to 22 groups total
*8005x  yyy yyy yyy where x is 1 for Initial and 2 for Pending ID #2 . yyy 3 digit Vocabulary Words up to 22 groups total
*8006x  yyy yyy yyy where x is 1 for Initial and 2 for Pending ID #3 . yyy 3 digit Vocabulary Words up to 22 groups total

New Macro Functions for Pending IDs

692 Play Port 1 Pending ID
693 Play Port 2 Pending ID
694 Play Port 3 Pending ID

There are now 3 unique DTMF Regen Prefixes and associated Port assignments and Macros. This allows for different
Port assignments. For example, perhaps you have both an Allstar and IRLP node, one on Port 2 and the other on Port 3. Now
you can direct regenerated DTMF to either Port by using the appropriate pre-programmed Prefix.

Major change in Autopatch commands - instead of having one Prefix for all Autopatch commands, the following unique codes
may now be programmed:

Hang Up Code - up to 5 DTMF Digits
OffHook Code - up to 5 DTMF Digits
AutoDial Code - up to 5 DTMF Digits
Timeout Timer Extend Code - up to 5 DTMF Digits

In addition, a new Macro Function to automatically dial 911:

336 - Dial 911


Download the Version 7.36 Update here

 Version 7.32- 2/5/17

 Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.32


When any Courtesy Tone parameter is programmed, the currently used CT is reloaded so any changes made are immediately used

Fixed Timeout Timer Reset to allow for those receivers whose COS line "burps" when its TX drops (such as the Yaesu System Fusion DR1x), as in the case of a Timeout, from bypassing correct TOT operation.

Changed how Courtesy Tones are handled. Previously each Port had its own, 10 unique Courtesy Tones. This led to a great deal of wasted memory space as many users never used all 10 or duplicated them between Ports. Now there is a pool of 10 Courtesy Tones, all of which are shared between all Ports and may be selected as always. Of course you may continue to use Message Macros as a Courtesy Tone if you wish

In addition, the Next/Following Courtesy Tones selections (used to distinguish Linked Ports) may now be selected via Macro Function for more flexibility.

New Macro Functions:

630 - 639  Port 1 Next Courtesy Tone 1 - 10
640 - 649  Port 1 Following Courtesy Tone 1 - 10

650 - 659  Port 2 Next Courtesy Tone 1 - 10
660 - 669  Port 2 Following Courtesy Tone 1 - 10

670 - 679  Port 3 Next Courtesy Tone 1 - 10
680 - 689  Port 4 Following Courtesy Tone 1 - 10

Of course this requires that the Suspend/Resume and Call Other Macros Function Numbers change as well:

860 - 879  Suspend Setpoint 1 - 20
880 - 889  Resume Setpoint 1 - 20

901 - 991  Call Macro 1 - 90

Macros 41 - 90 ("Short Macros") have been increased from 4 slots to 6 slots.

Also, the Scheduler Month of Year function has been reinstated


Download the Version 7.32 Update here


Version 7.01- 9/23/16


Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.011

Hang time now works on non-repeating Ports

Added new Macro Functions to allow for Scheduled Daylight Savings Time changes

630 +1 hour (Daylight Savings)
631  -1 hour (Standard Time)

Download the Version 7.01 Update here


Version 7.00- 8/10/16

Note: This firmware version requires RCP 7.00

Added additional Hangtimers - there are now a total of 3 per Port which may be selected via Macro.

New Hangtime Timer programming:

Currently Unlocked Port:

*1000xyyy where x = Hangtimer 1, 2 or 3 and yyy = seconds from 1 to 255

New Macro Functions:

621 Port 1 Hangtimer 1 Select
622 Port 1 Hangtimer 2 Select
623 Port 1 Hangtimer 3 Select

624 Port 2 Hangtimer 1 Select
625 Port 2 Hangtimer 2 Select
626 Port 2 Hangtimer 3 Select

627 Port 2 Hangtimer 1 Select
628 Port 2 Hangtimer 2 Select
629 Port 2 Hangtimer 3 Select

(note that Macro Functions 334 - 336 are no longer used)


Download the Version 7.0 Update here