6.042 adds many new features, enhancements and corrects some issues. The details of which may be found in their respective readme.txt files which are included with the downloads. You may also click here for a complete list of changes and additions.
If you haven't already downloaded and installed the Updater program on your computer, do so now by clicking the link below and install it:
All the new programs and files you need for upgrading to RC210 Version 6.042 may be downloaded in one main zip archive:
{dtracker}convert/update6_042.zip:Download Upgrade{/dtracker}
In this file, you will find 5 other zip archives and the new 6_04x Operations And Programming Manual in PDF format. We suggest you create a directory C:\Convert and extract the 6 included files into this newly created directory. In the following steps, simply open each zip archive as they are called for.
This upgrade requires that you re-initialize your RC210 back to factory defaults but don't worry. We have a new "interim" RCP for you that will also save all your DVR Track information so you won't need to re-record any tracks you may have.
1) Open the new interim RCP (rcp5_2847.zip) and extract the rcp.exe file found inside into the directory where you have RCP installed (by default, this is C:\Arcom\RCP Programmer). Close the zip file.
2) Open the new RCP (and confirm it shows Version 5.2847 in the Title Bar) and download from your 210 BEFORE you upgrade from firmware 5.28x and save the file. This will write all your DVR track information to your dat file as well as the rest of your custom programming. IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE A COPY OF THIS FILE AND SAVE IT IN A SAFE PLACE IN CASE YOU EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS WITH THE NEXT STEP
3) Extract the dat file converter installation program (dataconverteinstaller6_042.zip) that will convert your existing dat file to the new format needed for Version 6_042 and install it. Do this by opening the zip file and clicking on dataconverteinstaller6_042.exe. Close the zip file.
4) Once installed, open Data Converter and load the dat file you just downloaded in Step 2 and run it (it will append "_Converted6_042" to the end of the filename and leave the original untouched).
5) Now open the new FirstTimeInitialize.zip file and extract the included firsttimeinitialize.hex file to where you can easily get to it for the next step. Close the zip file.
6) Load the firsttimeinitialize.hex file into Updater and upload it to the RC210. After it is finished, close Updater and wait for the RC210's yellow CTCSS LEDs to stop flashing and the green COS LEDs to start scanning (like an old time scanner radio). This should take about 20 seconds or so after the upload is complete. Once the green LEDs start scanning, you may move onto Step 7.
7) Now open the rc2106_042.zip file and extract the included rc2106_042.hex file where you can easily get to it for the next step.
8) Load rc2106_042.hex into Updater and upload it to the RC210. When the upload is complete, the RC210 should proudly announce that it is running Version 6.042. You may close Updater. You may optionally check the basic operation of the controller (remember that by default, only Port 1 is actually in Repeat Mode). If everything looks good, continue on. If not, review the steps above and try them (in order) again.
9) Open the rcp6_042.zip file and extract the rcp.exe found inside into the directory where you have RCP installed, as you did in Step 1. Close the zip file. Open RCP (and confirm it shows Version 6.042 in the Splash Window & Title Bar).
10) Take your favorite text editor (such as Notepad or whatever you like to use) and open your converted dat file from Step 4 above and look for the "[Version]" section. Change the following 2 entries found there to:
11) Save the changes and load your dat file into RCP 6.042 and do a Complete Update.
When that is done, you are up and running with 6.042 and can now enjoy the new features and enchancements! It is strongly recommended you read the readme.txt file that is included with the firmware download zip file in order to familiarize yourself with the many differences in 6.042
You may also want to move the new Operations & Programming Manual to your desktop for easy reference while familiarizing yourself with the new firmware.