This quality aluminum enclosure for your RC210 fits in a standard 19" rack, taking only 1.75" of valuable rack space. The easily readable high-brightness LED's give controller status at a glance. The front panel switch allows for easily turning off the display to reduce power consumption when you're away.
Inside, the preinstalled standoffs provide for mounting of not only your RC210 but RAD Repeater Audio Delay Boards and AP1 Intelligent Autopatch.
All connectors for your radios and power are easily accessable through an opening in the back panel. There is even a premounted DB25 connector with adapter that directly connects to the RC210's PC board allowing easy connection of an RS232 serial signal.
The RC210 is a state-of-the-art, fully featured 3 Port repeater controller with features generally f..
Provides a battery backed-up clock that automatically loads on RC210 startup. No more "Clock Not Set..
Our RAD uses the latest state-of-the-art Codec IC, all versions of our RAD offers all-digital high p..
Our RCP Programming Software allows RC210 owners to easily and quickly program all the operating par..
The AP1 provides all the features you expect in an autopatch, including autodialer, blacklists, reve..
IMPORTANT The ADR Interface allows the connection of an external repeater controller to the Yaesu D..
Upgrade the Atmel ATMega128 CPU to the newer ATMega2561 for added features and operatability. Base p..
This replacement ISD4003-05MPY IC doubles your DVR record and playback time. Simply remove your exis..
This upgrade provides additional non-volatile memory storage for RC210 pc boards earlier than Versio..
The EX1 Port Expander allows you to connect up to 3 additional full-duplex/half-duplex/simplex rad..
The Arcom UFE allows for the recovery of 32 additional Logic Outputs from the RC210. Each output i..
Tags: RC210