Arcom Controllers
  • RTC Real Time Clock
Provides a battery backed-up clock that automatically loads on RC210 startup. No more "Clock Not Set" messages
  • High accuracy Real Time Clock.
  • Accuracy +/- 2 ppm 0c to +40c, +/- 3.5 ppm -40c to +85c
  • Calendar automatically corrects for Leap Years
  • Provides an additional 30 Remote Base Memories
  • Provides an additional 30 Message Macros
  • Provides an additional 30 DTMF Memories
  • Plugs into RC210 board without using a Radio Port
  • Provides feedthrough signalling for AP1 Intelligent Autopatch
  • Provides an additional 256K of memory for future expansion

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RTC Real Time Clock

  • Brand: Arcom
  • Product Code: RTC
  • Availability: 11
  • $54.95

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